Tuesday, August 23, 2011

International Forever Rally 2011 - Washington DC

There is a lot to be said about the power of the mob. I just came back from Washington DC where my husband and I met with our life-long friends and also  had the privilege of experiencing the incendiary atmosphere, motivational energy and empowering presentations put on by Forever Living Products, Intl.

People from 220 countries - distributors, managers, directors and friends of FOREVER - came to Washington this year to share their experiences, positive attitude, knowledge and motivation with everybody else. Brazil was substantially represented, as it recorded the largest sales volume in the past year. But the African countries delegations got my attention, with their beautiful costumes, their joix de vivre and their applauded achievements.

My friends from Romania were also nothing less of impressive. Special kudos to my favorite people ever - Mary and Danny - who are amazing friends, fun party-ers and dedicated professionals. Their team spirit and friendliness made even the team from Japan cheer them while on stage being recognized for their accomplishments.

It's a beautiful thing to experience a world-wide mob of over 7000 people in one space celebrating in one voice all the good things that come with being part of the big FOREVER family. What a great business to be in! They work hard, no doubt about that, but they definitely play hard too!

And the slogan was... Be Free, Forever!

To learn more about Forever Living Products visit http://ForeverHealthyUSA, call: 502.619.3055 or email: c21laura@yahoo.com.